Made by hand. Loved by foot.

The nut, the pill, the TW. Whatever you call it, the Australian Made premium leather Sherrin is our most iconic ball. These footballs are all individually hand-crafted at our Melbourne workshop the very same way that Thomas William Sherrin intended when he stitched the very first Aussie Rules Football in 1880.

Hand-crafted in Melbourne and made from the highest grade premium leather, each KB is individually inspected and approved by our dedicated craftsmen to the exact size and weight game ball specifications set by the AFL.


Custom Footballs

Ball Inflation

For optimum performance, inflate your Sherrin to the recommended kPa as stipulated around the mouthpiece of your Sherrin.

  1. Sherrin balls will have a recommended inflation unit printed around their inflation valves. i.e. 69kPa, 45kPa or 30kPa
  2. This metric pressure unit is kPa (kilopascal).
    NOTE: Be careful to not confuse psi (pounds square inch) with kPa as psi has roughly 10x more pressure than kPa and will rapidly and easily damage your ball. (Note: 6.9 kPa = 1 psi)
  3. This is not a guide and should be considered a maximum. If you exceed the recommended inflation you risk damaging the stitching and also voiding the warranty.
  4. If you do over inflate a ball, release the pressure immediately. It may not be apparent just by looking at the ball that it is over inflated. Another sign is if it is hard to the touch after use, the stitching can possibly give way.
  5. Over-inflation can cause your Sherrin to go out of shape and lead to malfunction.
  6. Ensure to lubricate the needle before you inflate the ball each time.
  7. If using a hand pump make sure to place the ball on a flat surface as the needle can heat up and bend or snap off if weight is put on it.


Custom Footballs



To ensure your footy remains in the best condition possible, for as long as possible be sure to follow the below care and handling guidelines.

Suitable for grass use only - As leather is a softer material, use on hard or abrasive surfaces may irreversibly damage the leather. Suitable for all surfaces.
Keep football out of direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time. Keep football out of direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time.
If using in wet weather, please ensure to towel dry after use and allow to dry inside. DO NOT USE A HEATER OR A HAIR DRYER. Only use the ball as it was intended to be used.
Only use the ball as it was intended to be used.  



How to store your Sherrin

  1. Please store in a cool, dry place.
  2. Do not keep in cars for extended periods of time as the heat may expand the bladder and cause damage to the ball.
  3. Keep football out of direct sunlight for prolonged periods of time.
  4. Ensure to keep some air in the bladder at all times except for short periods or if you are shipping.
  5. Keeping balls in display stands or boxes may create indentations or marks in leather and printing over long periods of time.


how to store your football

Re-bladdering Service

Sherrin now offers an online re-bladder service.

Using the best quality latex bladder and laces, installed by our expert football makers at our Melbourne Manufacturing Centre, we can re-bladder balls ranging from Adults and Juniors alike (sizes 5, 4, 3, 2 & 1)

More information on the Re-bladder Service Page

If you believe your football bladder may have a manufacturing fault and it was purchased from, please contact our helpdesk, you will be required to supply your Order Id and some general information. If it was purchased elsewhere, please return the ball to the place of purchase.


re-bladdering service



Sherrin footballs come in a range of sizes to cater for all playing age groups.
Use the below guide to determine the most suitable size for your needs.


Custom Footballs



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