Sherrin Face Footys

In partnership with Adelaide Crows captain Rory Sloane and former AFL premiership player James Podsiadly, we are excited to launch Sherrin Face Footys – a must-have kids footy for every Aussie Rules loving household, in Melbourne today.

Sloane and Podsiadly have been working on their ‘passion project’ for over two years and are excited to see kids across Australia using it.

“Kicking a drop punt is one of the most important skills in footy and teaching it has always been over complicated. From the numerous junior clinics, I’ve conducted over my AFL journey, I’ve seen first-hand how effective these simple steps are in not only teaching kids how to kick a footy, but also how parents and coaches teach children,” said Sloane.

“We took the concept to Sherrin over two years ago and have been refining the ball and the characters ever since. We believe Face Footys can standardise coaching methods for children or those new to the game, while also being fun and engaging. 

“At the end of the day, footy is all about having fun and we want kids to be involved in footy for as long as possible.”

Pods and Sloaney

Set to become the must-have kicking development tool for kids between 3-8 years. The product breaks down the barrier of communicating kicking skills with kids, taking the complexity out of kicking a drop punt which can be one of the most complex skills to master.

In three simple steps:

  1. Cover the ears
  2. Point the nose
  3. Kick the chin

The Face Footys come in four different colours, representing a different character – Dukes, Radar, Rocket and Skipper. Kids will be kicking with ease with this fun, collectable kid-friendly themed footy.

Sherrin’s Face Footys are available to purchase now online at, or in-store at AFL Max and select Rebel Sport retailers.