AFLW Pride is here!

AFLW Pride is here!

The 2024 AFLW pride round has returned for its fifth installment, kicking off on Tuesday the 8th of October and running until Sunday the 13th of October. In order to help celebrate and show support to the LGBTQI+ community, all 18 clubs, as well as the umpires and even the Sherrin game ball, will have unique designs on their jerseys and footys.

Sherrin is proud to support the LGBTQI+ community and AFLW pride round and will have a unique game ball for the round, for the second year running. With a bold rainbow print on the top of the ball, no doubt there will be colourful goals galore during the round. The 2024 AFLW pride range can be found here.

Although the round will be full of fun, celebration, colour and activations to help promote and celebrate inclusivity, the action on field will be the main attraction. Although North Melbourne are the team to beat currently, 1 loss and they can drop down to third, so they will be looking to make a statement against Sydney. The surprising Hawks will hope to continue their strong form when they host Daisy Pierce’s West Coast, in a game with huge finals ramifications. The Western Bulldogs host Essendon at Whitten Oval, which recreates the first ever pride game for a big Friday night fixture.